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Bridging the gap between persons with disabilities and others for total equality

By, The Say Foundation Team


The world has many misconceptions regarding persons who have disabilities; some people think that they should be treated with sympathy (rather, empathy), some treat them differently than others, some avoid talking to them and others are either rude or dismissive towards them.

But we can help change this situation by letting there be a voice of equality amongst all.

Say Foundation is one such organization where all these issues can be addressed in a just and fair way through the different campaigns including empowering PwDs (Persons with Disabilities), creating an environment in organizations to make them inclusive, influence policy decisions and making the PwDs job ready.

You might have heard the term “Disability” a lot but what does it really mean?

Disability is a word that is thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines disability as “A physical or mental condition which limits one's ability to perform usual activities”. This definition can be applied to both physical and mental disabilities. Physical disabilities include such conditions as heart problems or hearing impairment; while mental disorders are also considered disabilities in this context because people with these conditions can't do things they were able to do before they got sick or developed an illness (for example: if someone has bipolar disorder).

In short, People who are unable to perform a certain task at par with the usual individual capabilities due to mental or physical disability are known as disabled and the condition is referred to as disability.

The world has many misconceptions regarding persons who have disabilities; some people think that they should be treated with sympathy while others treat them differently than others.

The term “handicap” refers to any abnormal physical or mental attribute that causes an impairment of one’s ability to act or function normally in life as compared with other individuals who do not have such conditions (Deleeuw & Schipper, 2002).

Disabilities can be anything from a small physical deformity to a much more complex condition. They are also known as “bodily, sensory, or structural impairments” that affect people in different ways.

Disabilities include:

  • Blindness/Deafness
  • Cerebral palsy (also known as spastic quadriplegia)
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The gap between persons with disabilities and others for total equality can therefore be bridged through education on disability issues.

This will help them understand their rights as well as duties towards themselves which will pave way for greater understanding among other members of society on what constitutes being disabled.

Additionally, it would also educate them on how best one should conduct oneself when dealing with such situations where one may get into conflict situations due to misunderstanding over issues related to the disability itself (such as whether someone needs assistance or not).

Did you know that according to the WHO, 15% of the world’s population has some form of disability and 80% of them live in developing countries?

Disability can be seen as an obstacle for PwDs when they have to interact with others on a daily basis especially when they need help from someone else because everyone has not received proper training on how to help disabled persons.

Despite arrangements made by organizations or government bodies regarding this issue, a lot of times there will be no response.

Maybe one person may appear friendly at first look, but later, he/she might be hiding behind his/her mask so as not to let anyone know about his/her true colours.

Until now when we talk about bridging the gap between persons with disabilities and others for total equality.

Disabled people are not less than anyone and they deserve the same rights as everyone else. They also have the same needs as everyone else. They have the same abilities as everyone else too!

So don't give up on them just because they can't do something you can do easily matter how difficult it may seem at times.

Say Foundation

But we can help change this situation by letting there be a voice of equality amongst all. Say Foundation is one such organization attempting to do just that!

Say Foundation is a non-profit organization which empowers persons with disabilities. It breaks the stigma associated with disabilities and changes the mindset of society to be more inclusive.

It provides equal opportunities to persons with disabilities, educates employers to help create an inclusive environment for the PwDs, and works closely with other corporate organizations and Non-profit organizations to create awareness about issues faced by PwDs in India.


I hope this article has been informative and helpful in understanding what disability is, and how it affects an individual and society at large. If you want more information about our organization then please visit 

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